Smart city logistics

Traffic volumes and consignment volumes are especially high in densely populated large cities and urban centres. As a specialist for customer delivery, Rhenus is developing new solutions and delivery concepts for smart city logistics in the Home Delivery segment.


logistics concepts for liveable cities

Fast, quiet, sustainable: our vision of modern delivery in urban areas. For us, sustainable city logistics involves more than “just” electric vehicles. Cargo bikes, micro depots and the use of main transport routes overnight are already part of our last-mile transports. Have a look at our concepts and visions for urban logistics of today and tomorrow.

Discover possible delivery routes within the city of the future. What’s more, there are countless individual concepts and approaches for the transport of goods in the city. We will be pleased to advise you on the implementation of your unique last-mile transports – innovative, sustainable and future-proof.

Last-mile transports
Underground railway
Solar-operated tugger train
Cargo bike
With the delivery trailer
(Autonomous) vessel
The “Kiezbox”
The multi-use car park
The micro depot
The mobile “Kiezbox”
The Rhenus depots
The multi-use area
Drop it


  • Growing share of e-mobility in our fleet
  • Savings of 2,100 tonnes of CO2 per year through fleet conversion
  • Measures for energy saving such as use of LEDs and green electricity
  • Generating solar power at several locations


  • Participation in numerous field tests for smart city logistics
  • Testing new city vehicles such as e-cargo bikes
  • Developing ideas in our innovation hub
  • Implementing new distribution concepts for heavy bulky goods in city centres


  • Reducing traffic volumes using environmentally friendly delivery concepts
  • Avoiding traffic jams by transports outside of rush hours
  • Shorter distances to customers through intelligent linking of modes of transport and route optimisation
  • Shorter travel to work for employees

How can we help you?

We would be happy to advise you!

Contact us!