
Flexitanks and liner bags can be used to transport liquid food and non food products, but also non-hazardous chemicals with all standard transportation methods.

Rhenus flexitanks

Rhenus flexitanks

Rhenus Antwerp offers specific transport solutions by using flexitanks and liner bags.
Flexitanks are a safe, time tested and proven, cost-effective and secure technology to transport non-hazardous liquid and dry cargo, which can be used with all standard transportation methods.

Services for Rhenus Flexitanks

Rhenus offers flexitanks for transportation of food products such as edible oils, fruit juices, wine, and mineral water.

A wide array of chemical non-hazardous products can be shipped by flexitank too: glycerines, natural and artifical latex, plasticisers, paraffins, solvents, cleaning agents, industrial oils but also dry bulk chemicals


Any questions?

Our experts are always there for you. if you wish, we will also call you back, keeping things convenient and straightforward.

Contact us!

Increased efficiency

  • Flexi tanks can be set up with low costs.
  • The use of flexitanks increases efficiency. The number of handlings is limited because commodities travel directly from the manufacturer to the end user, while reducing the time of transit and the risk of contamination of the goods.




  • Our teams at Rhenus are extremely focused when handling chemical products.  Stringent criteria when selecting containers are in place.  Your cargo and the flexitank must be fully compatible with each other.  
  • Rhenus' flexitanks and bulkeads have a unique serial number, manufacturer name and COA reference number.




Incident reduction

  • Thanks to a strict focus on safety and inhouse expertise on chemicals, incidents are reduced to an absolute minimum.  