The main value assets, which are recycled, also include copper, iron/steel and aluminium. Recycling facilities, such as the world’s largest for LIB recycling, can handle up to 7,000 tonnes per year. Copper, aluminium and plastic are directly obtained from dismantling the LIB modules. The cells are then dismantled, as a result of which the so-called black mass is extracted and cobalt, nickel and manganese are recovered from this. Lithium can be recovered in a subsequent process by a lithium processing company, although this procedure currently causes a great deal of work and is a major cost factor. The battery case and electronics are handled in separate processes. According to the Fraunhofer Institute ISI, the earnings from dismantling are estimated to be EUR 210 – 240 per tonne of batteries, where aluminium accounts for half of this figure and steel and copper for one quarter each. The actual recycling work for the cells is more complex and the Fraunhofer Institute ISI cannot yet provide any cost data for this.
“The goal is to recycle as many components from a battery as possible. They can then be used to make new batteries and therefore protect resources,” says Christian Kürpick, the RETRON Project Manager at REMONDIS. Although recycling batteries is still a costly and time-consuming business, the market, politicians and society are constantly providing new impetus here and encouraging the development of new processes.
If, according to the Fraunhofer Institute ISI, high collection rates and recovery of 25 to 30 per cent of the lithium from old batteries can be guaranteed for LIBs, this could cover between 10 and 30 per cent of the annual need for production up to 2050. Automobile manufacturers could include the cash value of the battery in its second life in the purchase price, which would continue to reduce the price of the vehicles and encourage greater use of electric cars. One thing is certain: logistics and the disposal business are already on board and are preparing the way for all-round, sustainable battery life cycle management thanks to battery recycling.