Forest Logistics: Your wood transport expert

Rhenus Forest Logistics stands for logistics services relating to the raw material wood. These include wood trading, logistics and the storage of sawmill by-products such as sawdust or wood chips as well as energy and round timber directly from the forest and recycled wood from industry.

Long-standing expertise in wood transport

Long-standing expertise in wood transport

We supply customers in the paper, wood-based materials, energy and soil manufacturing industries with sawing by-products, recycled and industrial wood and supply biomass for thermal use. By doing so, we move over 1 million tons per year. We also place particular emphasis on the trade and transportation of logs to supply the sawmill industry.

Our services at a glance

Timber logistics

Whether small quantities or large volumes: our extensive fleet of vehicles will serve you reliably from collection to delivery of your wood products.

Timber trade

A large part of our work involves the purchase and sale of wood. We buy trees directly from the forest or forest owners and sell this wood on for the subsequent manufacture of products made from wood. In this way, we are able to provide you with larger quantities for your business. Therefore, we can reliably supply our customers - and relieve sawmills in the marketing of their by-products.

Timber storage

We are flexible when it comes to responding to your requirements related to wood transports – our trained employees always pay attention to the optimised storage of your goods. With our group-wide network of Rhenus locations, you will benefit from intermediate storage for wood, whether near water, road or rail, or in the direct vicinity of your production site.

Sawmill by-products



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Woodchips are shredded pieces of wood that are produced directly in the sawmill during the production of sawn timber. They are predominantly used in the manufacture of paper and pulp and in the production of particle board, MDF and laminate flooring



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In addition to woodchips, sawdust is produced in the sawmill. The sawdust can be used for the production of pellets, as a top layer for particle board, and as bedding in animal husbandry.


Bark is a by-product of all operations that debark logs. It can be scattered as a covering material in gardening and landscaping or incinerated for energy production.



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Cross-cut timber is a by-product of log cross-cutting in log sorting companies and sawmills. It enables our customers to produce their own woodchips.



Landscape maintenance material

Landscape maintenance material

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Green waste woodchips are obtained from landscape maintenance by-products. Predominantly woody green cuttings, resulting from tree felling or park maintenance, are processed as fuel.

Forest woodchips

Forest woodchips

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Forest chips are produced from low-value wood obtained from forest harvests and thinning. We employ mobile chippers to produce the woodchips directly on site.

Screen overflow

Screen overflow

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The screened coarse fraction of compost or processed green waste is called screen overflow. Impurities are removed from the woody biomass and it is processed for energy production based on the specific needs of our customers.


Our network

No matter whether it’s from the sawmill, from municipal green spaces or directly from the forest: with our large fleet of trucks, we collect our wood directly from our suppliers. Depending on the requirements, we also provide services such as forest harvesting and processing in cooperation with our partners. As a result of our collaboration with large and well-established wood consumers, we are able to offer our suppliers a reliable purchase guarantee and provide them with access to the bioenergy market. Consequently, you benefit from our logistics: trucks, rail cars, and barges are used, and intermediate storage capacity provided when needed. Every year, we use intermodal logistics solutions to transport guaranteed quantities of wood for our suppliers and customers.

We guarantee coordinated quantities of wood to energy producers and manufacturers of particle board, derived timber products, pulp and paper. We thus provide you with a reliable raw material base for your product.


Our performance

Intelligent business IT and an extensive fleet of vehicles make it possible for our trained staff to customise processes to meet the needs of our customers and respond to changing requirements.


Our services

Regardless of whether small or large volumes are involved: we provide reliable, trustworthy, and competent services at all times, both when collecting your goods and when delivering them.


Our locations

We handle large quantities of wood of consistent quality from locations in Germany and Luxembourg. We are able to adapt individually to supplier and market conditions as well as to customer requirements.



Information on the handling of your personal data can be found in our
Privacy Policy.

Our licences and certifications

To carry out the desired wood transport for you, we have the necessary licences required for your domestic and international transport.


As a certified waste management company, we are authorised to handle, transport, store and trade in waste. Intermittent monitoring audits certify that we meet the requirements in terms of organisation, equipment and activities specified in the Ordinance on Specialised Waste Management Companies. This means that our customers can be assured that their waste wood will be disposed of reliably, professionally and competently.


We offer our customers wood that is certified according to the FSC® standard FSC-STD-40-004. This standard means we are on the safe side: we do not accept wood from the conversion of natural forests into plantations or non-forestry uses for wood trade, nor do we accept wood from forests planted with genetically modified trees.


A large part of our wood is PEFC-certified. Thanks to an accreditation process pursuant to international standards, the seal of quality offers complete and binding proof of diligent and responsible forest management. We are aware of this complex issue and check our supply sources carefully.


Frequently asked questions

Our customers include paper and pulp mills, the wood-based materials industry, combined heat and power plants, pellet producers as well as private households. Our suppliers are mostly forest owners for our purchase of round wood as well as sawmills and recycling companies for the sawmill by-products and recycling material.

We are able to offer you comprehensive services along the entire wood value chain. This includes trading, processing, transportation, storage or stockpiling of products in our own storage areas. Thanks to our extensive network of group wide Rhenus locations, we are able to adapt to your needs and will be happy to find tailor-made solutions for your products.


Our fleet for wood transports includes more than 90 own trucks of different kinds such as articulated trains, walking floor vehicles, roll-off tippers or crane vehicles.