You can see a waterdrop that resembles the earth. You can see a waterdrop that resembles the earth.


In the legally compliant conduct of our business, as in many other areas of life, the saying goes: prevention is better than cure. Our compliance guidelines provide the framework for legally sound conduct in our day-to-day work.



The entrepreneurial activities of the Rhenus Group are based on the different and diverse legal systems of the various countries and regions in which our Group operates. Every employee is responsible for ensuring that his or her actions comply with these principles. This applies to employees across all levels, in all parts of the company and in all countries.

The principles that we have summarised in the corporate compliance directive form the basis for legal and compliant conduct. They do not cover all conceivable situations, nor do they describe all applicable rules to be observed in individual cases.

A strong foundation

These corporate compliance principles aim to provide assistance for day-to-day work and thus help employees to protect themselves against misconduct. However, they can only highlight areas that are of particular importance in actual practice. In addition, all employees should familiarise themselves with the rules applicable to them and, if in doubt, seek advice from their supervisor, the legal department or the Rhenus Compliance Officer.

You can see columns of a roman building.

Download the compliance principles

Every supervisor and every employee is required to ensure, through his or her personal integrity, that corporate compliance is adhered to as an essential part of our corporate culture.

For more information, please read the corporate compliance policy (Code of Conduct), which you can access here.