Transport Specialist

Start date From now on
Time Type Full time
Mobile Work Not Remote

Your Benefits

Your Benefits


Kafeteria benefitów

Great Team

Dołączysz do zgranego zespołu

Health & Sports

Prywatna opieka medyczna współfinansowana przez firmę oraz możliwość dołączenia do grupowego ubezpieczenia na życie dla Ciebie i członków rodziny.


Profesjonalne wdrożenie do pracy

Continuous Training

Sharpen your skills and advance your expertise with our professional development programs.

Great Team

It’s truly the people that make the difference — and with us you’ll join the best team around.
Reference ID JR105474
Company Name
Rhenus Freight Logistics SP. Z O.O.
św. Mikołaja 1
62-080 Swadzim
Contact Person
Aleksandra Harasimczuk
+48 (511) 878101
Job Category
Freight Services
Business Unit
Road Freight

Job Description

What you can expect

  • Planowanie tras kierowców dystrybucyjnych i liniowych.
  • Szukanie przewoźników na giełdzie transportowej TRANS.
  • Wystawianie zleceń dla przewoźników.
  • Nadawanie statusu przesyłkom w systemie SPEED.
  • Drukowanie i wydawanie listów zbiorczych (przewozowych) do załadunku dla kierowców.


What you bring

  • Gotowość do pracy w systemie dwuzmianowym.
  • Doświadczenie w organizacji drobnicowych transportów krajowych.
  • Znajomość przepisów transportowych i spedycyjnych.
  • Umiejętność obsługi giełd transportowych.
  • Dobra znajomość pakietu MS Office (w szczególności Word, Excel).
  • Umiejętność szybkiego podejmowania decyzji, proaktywna postawa, samodzielność i nastawienie na osiąganie wyznaczonych celów.
  • Umiejętności komunikacyjne, nastawienie na współpracę.
  • Mile widziana znajomość programu SPEED.
Business Unit

Road Freight

Logistics needs intelligent management so that goods are in the right place at the right time -our transport solutions guarantee exactly that. Rhenus Road Freight's product portfolio ranges from groupage freight, partial and full loads to hazardous goods, and special transports. Together with accompanying services such as insurance or customs, this results in individual and industry-specific full-service packages. We are pragmatic and uncomplicated. At the same time, our permanent course for growth opens up long-term perspectives for all our employees, whether they are specialists or career changers.

Welcome to Rhenus

Where our journey of growth connects with yours.

We are a global powerhouse on a mission to be pioneers in everything we do. United, we make an impact and dare to redefine what's possible. Ready to unlock untapped potential. We are on the fast track. At Rhenus, we thrive on collaboration. Every voice is heard, and every idea is valued. We stand as one global team. Where everyone contributes to our success. Together, we shape the future of logistics and beyond. Empowered by you.

Recruitment Process

Online application

Your documents will reach us quickly and directly via our online application form; depending on the position, a cover letter may be required. In any case, we are eager to see your CV and references – for us, the best way to make a good first impression.

Application screening

Our HR team and the responsible department will take a close look at your application as soon as possible. We will do our best to give you feedback within two weeks. With your agreement, we would also be happy to forward the documents to other business units if the selected position does not work out.

Selection Process

Depending on the position, there are various ways of finding out if we are a good match for each other. In most cases, we rely on a personal interview, on a eye level of course. Online tests, assessment centres or work on a trial basis may also be possible. In the end, the best decision is taken for both sides.


With your commitment, you are a part of the Rhenus Group right away – we are already eager to shape the logistics of the future together with you. To ensure that your start is a complete success, we will familiarise you with everything you need to know about Rhenus and your assignment with us. Your experienced colleagues will guide you every step of the way, and together you will easily master each of your new tasks.

Transport Specialist