
Schülerpraktikum (w/m/d)

location_cityno information
Hoppegarten, Hannover, Mönchengladbach
+6 more

Locations for this job offer

Rhenus Home Delivery GmbH / NL MVBB
Industriestr. 12 - 14
Rhenus Home Delivery GmbH
Am Ahltener Weg 9
Rhenus Freight Logistics Mönchengladbach GmbH
Krefelder Strasse 845
Rhenus Sports Tech GmbH
Am Birkfeld 18
Rhenus Freight Logistics GmbH & Co. KG
Kappeler Str. 98
Rhenus High Tech GmbH
Schlitzer Straße 56
Am Fuchsberg 3
Rhenus Freight Logistics GmbH & Co. KG
Formerstraße 22
Rhenus High Tech GmbH
Diekhaus 22-24
Part Time / Full Time
personVera Koerner

Hey Du! Bist Du bereit für Dein Abenteuer in die spannende Welt der Logistik? Du hast Lust bei einem großen Logistikunternehmen hinter die Kulissen zu schauen und selbst mitzumischen? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Beim Schülerpraktikum im Rhenus Overland Transport erlebst Du hautnah, was wir in der Logistik alles bewegen. Sei bereit für ein spannendes und abwechslungsreiches Schülerpraktikum! #LogisticLife

Das erwartet Dich bei uns: 

  • Egal ob es das Lager oder das Büro werden soll, Logistik ist vielfältiger als man denkt – es gibt hier jede Menge für Dich zu entdecken!
  • Erlebe den RhenUs-Teamgeist hautnah und lerne von unseren Logistik-Profis. #TogetherWithPassion
  • Kaffee kochen und nur zusehen war gestern – bei uns bekommst Du die Chance von Beginn an mit anzupacken.
  • Du wirst bei uns viele wertvolle praktische Erfahrungen für Deine berufliche Zukunft sammeln.
  • Finde heraus, ob die Welt der Logistik etwas für Dich ist! #NextGenerationWeWantYou

Das bringst Du mit:

  • Du überlegst, ob Du eine Ausbildung als Kaufmann/-frau für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung, Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik oder etwas Ähnliches im Bereich Logistik machen möchtest.
  • Natürlich bist Du ein Teamplayer und gehst offen auf andere Menschen zu.
  • Mit Pünktlichkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Freundlichkeit überzeugst Du uns mehr als mit guten Noten!
  • Hauptsache Du hast Interesse an der Logistik und bringst eine große Portion Motivation und gute Laune mit. #YourChanceToJoinUs 
  • PS: Auch wenn Du nicht alle Punkte erfüllst, freuen wir uns Dich kennenzulernen!

Darauf kannst Du Dich freuen

  • Familiärer Zusammenhalt
  • Flache Hierarchien
  • Handlungsspielräume
  • Ideen einbringen
  • Kostenlose Getränke
  • Tolles Team

Family cohesion
Flat hierarchies
Diverse scope of action
Turning your ideas into action / generate ideas
Free drinks
Great Team

Rhenus Logistics

Rhenus Group

Opportunities in Logistics. Have you worked out the logistics of your career yet? At Rhenus, you will! Being an international logistics provider with 40,000 employees in over 70 countries, we manage complex supply chains and offer our clients innovative value-added services. However, we don‘t stop there.

We also provide our employees with the tools they need to pursue the career of their choice - whenever and wherever they need them. 

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A look behind the scenes - Rhenus Group

Our colleagues report on the diverse job opportunities at Rhenus Group.

A look behind the scenes – Foreman Port Logistics

"I applied for a job as a dock worker and was hired as a foreman."

In his job story, our colleague Christian talks about his day-to-day work at the Port of Hamburg and the opportunity that Rhenus has given him.

A look behind the scenes - professional driver

"At Rhenus I can be a human being and have a voice."

In his job story, our colleague Marcel talks about the opportunities that Rhenus offers him as a professional driver.

A look behind the scenes - operations manager ware

"I grew up with Rhenus.“

Michael works as an operations manager at the Dortmund logistics centre. In his job story, he explains what this means in everyday working life.

A look behind the scenes – Project Manager

„You can work out the opportunities yourself. No obstacles are put in your way. You are encouraged.”

Florian works as a project manager at Rhenus Automotive. In his job story, he provides insights into his everyday work.

A look behind the scenes – Dispatcher

„What's fun about my work is this connection between countries and cultures.”

Fouad is the dispatcher and responsible for the North African area. In his job story he gives an insight into his daily work.

A look behind the scenes – Operations Manager Port

"I joined Rhenus and was able to learn a lot more.”

In her job story, Anja explains why Rhenus was the best employer to start her career after finishing her studies.

A look behind the scenes – Managing Director

„There is no logistics without IT.”

Carolin is Managing Director at Rhenus Freight Network and explains in her job story why Rhenus is an exciting employer for IT employees.

A look behind the scenes - professional driver

"I got the chance to join Rhenus as a newcomer.“

Andreas works as a professional driver for Rhenus Data Office. In his jobstory, e explains why he enjoys this job

A look behind the scenes – Branch Manager

„Rhenus gives me freedom and responsibility to realize my own ideas.”

Our colleague Jonas joined Rhenus as a management trainee and has meanwhile become branch manager. In his job story, he reports on the opportunities he is given at Rhenus.