
Our culture. Our values.

If you ask our more than 40.000 colleagues what makes us special as a company and employer, you will receive many individual answers. But in essence, the statements are often very similar. The Rhenus Group is present at 1.320 locations in over 70 countries worldwide. No wonder that our culture is characterised by openness, diversity and internationality. Nevertheless, we are still a family business. We stand by each other and by our word. When it comes to personal career issues, we rely on understanding and closeness. And we do everything to ensure that our employees can develop in the best possible way. How would we describe ourselves? As a driver and motivator, door opener and facilitator. Nationality, skin colour, religion, age, gender or disability play no role, because equal opportunity is a matter of course for us. What counts are human beings with their individual abilities, personality and development potential.

Customer-focused solutions

Understanding requirements I Providing solutions I Shaping the future
We understand our customers’ business and shape the future together with them. With our experience we create tailor-made solutions for every individual requirement. This is what we stand for with our decentralised organisation, our high IT competence and the innovative spirit of our employees. Enthusiastic customers are the basis of our success. Committed and proactive, we therefore ensure long-term, reliable relationships every day. Our customers value us as a partner at eye level. Thanks to our profound understanding of logistics processes, we offer them real added value. The complex demands of our customers are a welcome challenge for our highly specialised business units, to which we respond with flexibility and focus. We do not spend a long time dwelling on the past or on obstacles, but concentrate on the right solution at the right time. This unwavering view of the positive and the future makes us strong – both internally and externally.


Nähende Frau in einer Lagerhalle

Employee orientation

Being respectful I Valuing competence I Promoting development
We make the difference because we are the heartbeat of the Rhenus Group. Each and every one of us makes their own personal contribution to our joint success – with knowledge, motivation and commitment. That’s why mutual respect and genuine appreciation for each other’s performance are our top priority. Professional competence combined with the pursuit of innovation and growth – these are the decisive factors for our corporate success. Anyone who wants to get involved, develop and grow will find the best conditions for this with us: An attractive working environment and clearly structured personnel development, which is firmly established as a strategic goal. Each of us has their own special abilities, and no talent is left by the wayside here. As a family-owned business, it is clear that we take good care of each other.


Frau in Tanzhaltung vor aufgereihten LKWs

Entrepreneurial spirit

Developing ideas I Taking responsibility I Ensuring success
We develop ideas, provide fresh impulses and take things into our own hands. Thanks to our decentralised units, we can put our energy to work without restraint and jointly set great things in motion. This is how we shape our future and thus also that of our customers. As a visionary logistics service provider with a down-to-earth approach, we encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of each individual. Our intelligent organisational structure with market-focused business units helps us to do this. We believe in the intelligence of the community and use it to create pragmatic solutions for our customers. Based on individual requirements, we develop standards that make life easier for all of us. We encourage, support and give confidence so that individual initiative is worthwhile and can develop freely. In doing so, we are also happy to accept mistakes – because we learn from them how we can inspire our customers even more sustainably in the future.


Mann springt in Containerhafen über ein Geländer


Living values I Keeping promises I Providing security
We have common values and we stick to them. This creates trust and provides security internally and externally. This is how we ensure long-term relationships and sustainable success – for us and our customers. Personal exchange is always our top priority. Because the best way to develop solutions, simplify processes and accelerate successes is by working directly together. It goes without saying that ultra-modern IT systems help us to network. But in the end it is our integrity and character that builds genuine trust. Thanks to our down-to-earth approach and honest commitment to the cause, we give each other and our customers the good feeling of having the right partner at their side. This reliability in our actions and communication allows us to easily survive even difficult times. The goal always remains clearly in focus: Together we can achieve everything we set out to do.


Klavierspielende Frau vor einem Flugzeug, das gerade beladen wird


Acting for the long term I Connecting generations I Remaining independent
We act for tomorrow. For generations, we rely on long-term relationships and ensure sustainable success. Our world is changing – and we are helping to shape it. Cycles are getting shorter, but we stay on the move and pay attention to healthy growth. The Rhenus Group has been developing continuously for more than a hundred years. For us, continuity means being open to new ideas, questioning and breaking up inflexible processes, always remaining curious. This enables us to provide the right impulses for our development. With calmness and economic foresight – because we are financially independent and solidly positioned in the third generation of the family. Our customers and partners have been at our side for many years, we appreciate this and we are going with them into the future with the same confidence.


Mann mit Schwimmboje in der Hand vor einer Hafenkulisse