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Rhenus opens new buildings at Holzwickede

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Press Release

The Rhenus Group officially opened two new buildings, each with four storeys, at its corporate headquarters in Holzwickede on 18 January. Those attending the opening ceremony included the town’s mayor, Ulrike Drossel, representatives of the main contractor, Depenbrock, officials from the planning teams involved and the business development department in the District of Unna as well as Rhenus Board Member, Egbert Bernsmeister.

Innovative working and office accommodation, which is also connected to outside facilities that make time spent there more enjoyable, and new parking spaces have been developed for the complete campus site on floor space measuring approx. 8,000 square metres within about twelve months. The room structures required for the open space concept have been introduced as highly flexible and particularly energy-efficient solutions too so that the employees have greater opportunities to share ideas.

A consultancy firm, which specialises in designing new working environments, determined the needs of employees during extensive workshops that were held earlier.
“We used them to identify working and communications procedures for specific departments so that we could bear them in mind as far as possible when designing the workplaces. It’s very important for us to know that our employees feel at ease when they’re working,” said Egbert Bernsmeister, a Rhenus Board Member.

The new buildings have been constructed to create modern and flexible working facilities, enable the company to terminate the lease on rented property as well as provide for the long-term growth of the logistics specialist. As many as 500 employees can now work in the buildings. Some people already moved into the first offices in November 2018.

The Rhenus Group is a logistics services provider with global business operations and annual turnover of EUR 4.8 billion. Rhenus has business sites at 610 locations worldwide and employs 29,000 people. The Rhenus business areas – Contract Logistics, Freight Logistics and Port Logistics – manage complex supply chains and provide a wealth of innovative value-added services.

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Julia Voelzke

Head of Global Media Relations & Reputation Management