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Two Rhenus warehouses receive ISO 22000 certification in France

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Press Release

Rhenus has just obtained ISO 22000 certification for two of its warehouses

located in Saint-Quentin Fallavier (East of Lyon in France) and dedicated to

dry food products. The certification attests to the compliance of Rhenus with

the requirements of the international standards and guarantees optimum

food safety for food industry customers and end consumers.


This is the first ISO 22000 certification for Rhenus in France. Valid for three years, the certification will be subject to an annual follow-up audit. These two multi-client sites are mainly dedicated to the storage and logistics of dry food products. They already house the stocks of several manufacturers and are intended to accommodate others.

The certification audit highlighted the "safety culture" of the staff, who have all received training in hygiene, cleanliness and good practices arising from the requirements of the standards. Product traceability, a key element of food safety, is guaranteed by the use of high-performance IT tools. Obtaining the certification was also made possible by the mobilisation of all the staff in the two warehouses and of the support teams.

"The dry food industry is one of the key sectors in which we have long experience and expertise. This is why we have successfully undertaken to have our two main food warehouses certified. Obtaining ISO 22000 certification gives us greater recognition among food manufacturers. I would like to congratulate the teams involved, at all levels, for their commitment during the audit period and over the long term”, explains Laurent Schuster, Managing Director of Rhenus Logistics France

The Rhenus Group is one of the leading logistics specialists with global business operations and annual turnover amounting to EUR 5.4 billion. 33,500 employees work at 820 business sites and develop innovative solutions along the complete supply chain. Whether providing transport, warehousing, customs clearance or value-added services, the family business pools its operations in various business units where the needs of customers are the major focus at all times.

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