
Transport between the Canary Islands and Spain: 10 million tonnes moving 19,000 million euros

Transport between the Canary Islands and Spain: 10 million tonnes moving 19,000 million euros

The transport of goods between the Canary Islands and the rest of Spain continues to grow and in 2023 it beat its highest trade value, with a result of 18,691 million euros. The data from the Canary Islands Statistics Institute confirm a new historic record for flows between the mainland and the archipelago, in a year in which the Canary Islands have reduced their overall trade, with a total of 25,371 million euros of goods exported or imported, 1.2% less than in the previous year. 

Canary Islands imports from the rest of Spain are the ones sustaining the growth of transits between both territories, with 17,703 million euros, representing 1.3% more than in 2022. The evolution of this trend is confirmed by extending this analysis to a decade, as since 2014 the Canary Islands' purchases from the peninsula have risen by up to 70%.

Meanwhile, exports from the islands to the rest of Spain closed 2023 with a balance of 987.7 million euros, 5.9% less than in the previous year. In comparison with the results of the last decade, a more stable dynamic is observed in this segment of traffic, with an increase of 0.7% between 2023 and 2014.

Evolution of the economic value of Canary Islands imports and exports with Spain


Data in thousands of euros Source: Canary Islands Institute of Statistics

Evolution of the volume of goods imported into and exported from the Canary Islands to Spain


Data in thousands of tonnes Source: Canary Islands Institute of Statistics

Shipments from Spain account for 80% of total imports from the Canary Islands.

‘Never have so many goods and of such economic value been moved between the Canary Islands and the rest of Spain. The transport of goods between the mainland and the archipelago has managed to stabilise a constant flow of almost 10 million tonnes and in economic terms is already pointing to the 20,000 million euro mark’, says Andreu Gutiérrez, Country Sales Director Road of Rhenus Logistics in Spain. 

The analysis of these traffics reaffirms the weight of imports from Spain with respect to the overall volume of Canary Islands purchases and for the fourth consecutive year it is above 80%, while the percentage of exports to the peninsula is limited to 30%. Thus, overall, three out of every four products bought or sold by the Canary Islands outside the archipelago have their origin or destination in the rest of Spain.

‘These results show that logistics has woven a huge channel of trade opportunities despite the 1,500 kilometres that separate the two territories. The mainland is much more than the first trading partner for the Canary Islands‘ economy; it is a decisive market for explaining the competitiveness of its business community and guaranteeing supplies to the population,’ says Alexis Montesdeoca, Regional Director for the Canary Islands at Rhenus Road Freight Spain. 

What percentage does Spain represent in the Canary Islands' imports and exports?


Data in % of total imports and exports Source: Own elaboration based on data from the Canary Islands Institute of Statistics.

What does the Canary Islands buy and sell to the rest of Spain?

The average cost per tonne of imports and exports between the Canary Islands and the rest of Spain shows an increase in the value of the products traded between the two territories. Despite this, the analysis of the results of the last decade shows a notable difference: the average cost per tonne imported has risen to 1,618 euros, 67% more expensive than the tonne exported, which stands at 966 euros. 

Economic value of Canary Islands imports and exports with Spain


Data in euro per tonne Source: Prepared by the authors based on data from the Canary Islands Institute of Statistics.

Canary Islands imports from Spain are led by fuels, which account for more than 20% of purchases. This is followed by four high value-added sectors, such as the automotive industry, medicines, electrical machinery and mechanical appliances, which together account for 30% of this trade segment. 

What products does the Canary Islands buy from the rest of Spain? 


Data in %. Source: Canary Islands Institute of Statistics

On the other hand, Canary Islands exports to Spain show a different pattern, since the top positions in this traffic are held by products from the primary sector, such as fruit, tobacco and fish, with 37% of sales. Despite this, the weight of industry linked to the automotive industry, the plastics sector or electrical or mechanical machinery also reflects the diversification process of the Canary Islands' economy. 

What products does the Canary Islands sell to the rest of Spain? 


Data in %. Source: Canary Islands Institute of Statistics

‘All this wide variety of traffic, ranging from daily consumer goods to the most complex industrial products, and the imbalance of import and export volumes, represent an added challenge to the complexity of managing logistics in an archipelago. In my opinion, this capacity to adapt is the key factor in achieving a robust and flexible supply chain, capable of responding with maximum capacity to the needs of Canary Islands companies,’ concludes Andreu Gutiérrez.

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