Werkslogistik für die Automobilindustrie Werkslogistik für die Automobilindustrie


In modern production processes, the main priority is achieving the smallest possible line inventories with one hundred percent supply security. We provide all of the services you need: From the acceptance of the delivered goods at the factory to the just-in-time delivery of the materials.

Rhenus Automotive

Comprehensive automotive services

Comprehensive automotive services

We are also extremely familiar with the specifics of component production, press plants, bodywork and final assembly. The objective of creating a factory that is almost completely free of forklift trucks is supported by innovative tugger train concepts. After returning empties to central collection points, we also take care of the processing, inventory management and returns management of key packaging to suppliers.

Material supply only when you need it

From entire containers to smaller quantities – we supply the materials in economical quantities in line with your specifications. We condense routes to keep traffic within your halls to a minimum and pay close attention to the safety of all employees.


We keep an eye on your empties, at all times

We use our own systems to maintain a constant overview of your empties. Occasional comparisons with our customers have shown that we can often provide a better overview.

We work in line with your schedule and your sequencing

Just-in-time and just-in-sequence delivery are possibly more important within the automotive industry than in any other sector. We receive a list of vehicle-specific parts from you. We supply these to the production site, at the right time and in the right order, with the help of our pick-by-light and pick-by-voice solutions. We also document the supply, so that we can track the shipments at all times.

Operation and maintenance: Your technology partner

Operating a small-parts warehouse is a big investment. Combining this kind of investment with the provision of additional logistical activities can therefore improve the return on investment. We don’t just operate the small-parts warehouse on your behalf – we also conduct regular maintenance, so it is always available. This makes it possible for you to benefit from our many years of experience in the operation of these types of systems.

Your parts list: Our purchase order

We can also manage your parts lists with our IT systems, some of which we have developed ourselves. We can react quickly, even in cases where changes need to be made at short notice. The use of supermarkets allows us to reduce inventories in vehicle production. Thanks to a vehicle-specific withdrawal, supported by scan functions, we can also ensure that the right material is taken from the supermarket.


Hardly any other markets are developing as quickly as the automotive industry. As such, quick response times are both one of the greatest challenges and one of the core skills required. We react quickly to changes and guarantee that your production runs smoothly.


High quality standards

Our quality management does not just meet the standards of a logistics specialist, it is also on a par with those of a parts supplier or vehicle manufacturer. We believe that the “PPM” indicator is one of the most important company indicators. It allows every single employee to measure their daily output.


Perfectly in sync

Our planning is based on sequencing in sync with our clients. For us, every second counts. We always supply components at the right time and in the right order.


Do you have any questions about our products?

We want to find out more about your needs and challenges.

Contact us!