Press Release

The Rhenus Group appoints Michael de Reese as new Head of its Port Logistics Division

Michael de Reese will take over as Head of the Rhenus Port Logistics division on 1 March 2024. He had previously directed the port business of the Rhenus Group for many years as the Managing Director of Rhenus Ports.

Michael de Reese, an engineering graduate, started his career within the Rhenus Group as technical manager and authorised signatory of the port terminal operator Cuxport, based in Cuxhaven, where he was promoted to a managerial position in 2011. He has held this position until the present day. In 2019, de Reese also took over the responsibility for the European seaport and inland waterway port sites within the Rhenus Group as he became the Co-Managing Director of Rhenus Ports. His new area of responsibility now also includes Rhenus Transport, which encompasses the short sea and inland waterway shipping operations as well as transporting goods by rail within the Rhenus Port Logistics division.

The new, senior position brings together the many years of expertise in the services and transport operations related to the ports under one common, strategic and operational umbrella. “Rhenus Transport and the Rhenus Ports have been working together closely to handle customers’ requirements for a very long time. By combining these activities in operational and strategic terms, we can now strengthen our cooperation even more effectively and in a more focused manner and achieve our growth goals,” Michael de Reese explains.   

These goals include setting up sustainable and future-oriented supply chains by switching flows of goods to waterways, positioning the ports internationally to make efficient use of the available capacity and scarce port space – and, at a higher level, implementing the energy revolution in Europe with the help of Rhenus expertise in the areas of shipping, ports, project and offshore logistics. “Alongside the operational issues, the shortage of specialist workers is a particularly important issue for us. We can only achieve our corporate success with the help of our employees. As a result, the development of human resources will be a crucial issue for me,” de Reese continues.

“We’re delighted to have won Michael de Reese for this position and are creating new momentum for our future agenda through this development,” says Andreas Stöckli, Member of the Management Board of the Rhenus Group with responsibility for the Port Logistics division. “With the activities and services of Ports, Port Transport and Contargo, we already have sound expertise for promising and sustainable concepts, which will now be orchestrated together and contribute even better to the global growth of the entire Rhenus Group. With innovative pilot and research projects, shipping and port logistics are also a future-oriented sector.”

About Rhenus

The Rhenus Group is one of the leading logistics specialists with business operations around the globe and annual turnover amounting to EUR 8.6 billion. 39,000 employees work at 1,120 business sites and develop innovative solutions along the complete supply chain. Whether providing transport, warehousing, customs clearance or value-added services, the family business pools its operations in various business units where the needs of customers are the major focus at all times.

Head of Global Media Relations & Reputation Management
Global PR Rhenus Group
Julia Voelzke
Head of Global Media Relations & Reputation Management | Global PR Rhenus Group