You can see the Rhenus Location in Hörselgau. You can see the Rhenus Location in Hörselgau.

Warehouse logistics in Germany

The Rhenus Group is a leading outsourcing partner for the industry and trade sector in Europe and Asia in the field of warehouse logistics. With 30 sites in Germany, Rhenus offers a closely knit network of multi-user facilities, dedicated solutions and in-house logistics in its home market.


Warehousing solutions – More than just a solution!

The Rhenus Group offers you flexible business models tailored to your requirements. Our multi-user systems deliver scalable solutions to our customers, allowing them to easily respond to fluctuations and growth.

Opting for Rhenus means choosing reliable and transparent processes that are available across the globe and at any time.

IT solutions created in-house enable us to map business models with a high degree of transparency and flexibility, providing the foundation for optimally planning and managing the resources needed for daily business operations.

Our innovative mindset is what makes us stand out from the competition. For this reason, we draw on various innovations across different areas and use a broad range of tasks to increase overall efficiency and reduce the workload of our employees throughout Europe.

Benefit from a wealth of options

Our dense network of over 23 sites in Germany combined with our industry experience and expertise translate into flexible and customisable options for you – since we thoroughly understand your requirements. Our IT solutions developed in-house deliver a high degree of insight into your transport and logistics processes. We design our solutions to match your requirements. The tools feature the highest possible level of standardisation, while still offering just the right degree of variability.


Quality is the cornerstone of your success

For us at the Rhenus Group, top quality goes without saying. Our aim is to ensure error-free order processing and safe deliveries. The training and further education of our employees and high transparency of processes guarantee this high level of quality.


On-time delivery: Delivered to the right place

We are familiar with the challenges posed by strongly fluctuating business models. Our multi-user systems allow us to perfectly respond to the business requirements of your company on a daily, weekly or even annual basis.




  • 30 sites
  • More than 1.5 million square metres
  • ISO 9001, 14001, TAPA FSR, GMP, DIN EN ISO 13485, ISO/IEC 27001, HACCP, IFS Logistics, SQAS 


Learn more about our warehousing services in Germany

Overview of your orders in real time
Overview of your orders in real time

Overview of your orders in real time

Our Rhenus Integration System (RIS) delivers all relevant data to give you real-time insights into your business activities. The tool provides your company with highly transparent information on the current order, stock, quality and cost status.

To the login panel