Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile Rhenus

Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (OSS) sono un appello mondiale all’azione contro la povertà, alla protezione del pianeta e al miglioramento delle vite e delle prospettive di tutte le persone. I 17 obiettivi sono stati adottati da tutti gli stati membri dell’ONU nel 2015 come parte dell’Agenda per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile 2030.


Un futuro più sostenibile per tutti

Rhenus contribuisce ai 17 OSS al fine di raggiungere un futuro migliore e più sostenibile per tutti.​ Abbiamo condotto un’analisi di materialità per scoprire quali siano i campi di azione più ampi per Rhenus. Lo scopo di questa valutazione è stato quello di chiarire l’influenza di Rhenus e la sua capacità di contribuire positivamente a tutti gli OSS (“Campo di azione Rhenus”). Sulla base del risultato abbiamo definito quattro OSS che consideriamo i nostri obiettivi principali e al contempo Rhenus è impegnata anche nel raggiungimento degli altri 13 obiettivi.

Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite

  • La Rhenus aderisce alla Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite.
  • Dal 2022 la Rhenus sostiene l’iniziativa di sostenibilità aziendale Global Compact delle Nazioni unite e i suoi principi in materia di diritti umani, lavoro, ambiente e anti-corruzione.
  • Per ulteriori informazioni, cliccare qui.

I quattro obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile principali di Rhenus

Misure climatiche
Obiettivo 13

Misure climatiche

In quanto fornitore di servizi logistici, offriamo ai nostri clienti le soluzioni di trasporto e la catena di approvvigionamento più sostenibili possibili. Inoltre, gestiamo centri di logistica sostenibili e cerchiamo tecnologie di trazione alternative.
Rhenus tests alternative drive and propulsion systems

In the field of e-mobility, Rhenus has set a focus on finding alternatives to the familiar diesel engine. Besides aiming to minimise road transport through the means of multimodal transport options, there are still few alternatives to trucks for the last mile. However, electricity, hydrogen, LNG and other drives are gaining more and more traction when it comes to truck engines. Rhenus is already testing and using many of these sustainable technologies today and will continue to do so in the future:

Rhenus operates one of the most sustainable warehouse sites in Europe

While transport accounts for a majority of carbon emissions worldwide, real estate – such as office buildings, warehouses oand terminals – also need to be maintained and operated in a sustainable way. Rhenus is committed to optimizing existing sites and building more sustainable warehouses. One example of this is “the Tube”, the Rhenus Warehousing Solutions location in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The building received a BREEAM Outstanding score and rating of 99.4 percent, making it one of the most sustainable commercial buildings in Europe. Not only does it offer methods to reduce carbon emissions through smart heating, rainwater usage and insulation, it also provides a healthy work environment through efficient climate control, lighting and ergonomic office equipment.

Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica
Obiettivo 8

Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

In quanto azienda a conduzione familiare e fornitore di servizi logistici operante a livello internazionale, prendiamo sul serio la nostra responsabilità sociale. Desideriamo fornire un posto di lavoro sicuro e sano per tutti i nostri dipendenti. Il nostro approccio pragmatico ci consente di agire rapidamente in qualsiasi situazione economica.
Rhenus offers various benefits to employees and adheres to all necessary regulations

Many of our sites offer various benefits for our employees, such as canteens, social rooms, kitchens, company bicycles, subsidies for public transport and gyms or sports activities. Our goal is to extend these amenities to even more sites within Rhenus.

Of course, we ensure the compliance with all statutory regulations everywhere we operate. This includes adherence to rules and guidelines such as minimum wage, maximum working time, health and safety, etc. 

Buona salute e benessere
Obiettivo 3

Buona salute e benessere

Ci impegniamo a garantire condizioni di lavoro sicure a tutti i nostri dipendenti e a promuovere la salute e il benessere. Ciò comprende l’organizzazione di corsi di formazione regolari e offerte di salute per i nostri dipendenti, l’assicurazione di posti di lavoro ergonomici e condizioni di lavoro sicure.
Rhenus promotes proactive dialogue to perfect occupational health and safety

We value our employees as our most valuable asset for developing the Rhenus Group. That is why we are committed to providing safe work conditions and promoting health and well-being. Each of us embodies the statement “occupational health and safety starts with me.” Rhenus also offers regular trainings and co-determination in occupational health and safety, such as a reporting system and an accident analysis.

The Rhenus family also promotes proactive dialogue across all levels of the company. Our aim is to perfect the occupational health and safety organisation day by day.

Rhenus maintains a zero-accident culture

Our global monitoring system allows us to track health and safety information and implement improvement measures quickly across our network.

Rhenus also has a zero-accident culture, which focuses on people and their motivation to work safely, allowing us to act proactively in dialogue, even before the accident happens. This culture is error-friendly and uses the knowledge gained from these, creating safe, intuitive work environments.

Zero-accident culture is not only a smart goal, but also a sign of appreciation for our employees as experts in their fields and their participation in an intuitive, safe and healthy working environment.

Zero-Accident Culture:

  • Focus on people and their motivation to work safely
  • Act proactively in close coordination even before the accident happens
  • Error-friendly, using the knowledge gained from mistakes
  • Create safe, intuitive work environments

We also have several programs to create awareness concerning physical health, knowledge transfers and implementation offers, which are integrated into everyday working life.

Industria, innovazione e infrastruttura
Obiettivo 9

Industria, innovazione e infrastruttura

Collaboriamo con istituti di ricerca, start-up e siamo coinvolti in progetti scientifici allo scopo di costruire un’infrastruttura resiliente, promuovere un’industrializzazione inclusiva e sostenibile e sostenere l’innovazione. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di creare una logistica più sicura ed efficiente e infrastrutture migliori in tutto il mondo.
Rhenus creates the world’s first CO2 reduction program for air freight

RHEGREEN is a CO2 calculation tool that allows our customers to choose the most efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft for their air freight shipments. This can reduce CO2 emissions per shipment by ten to 40 percent. Read more here.

Rhenus launches an in-house innovation incubator program

RHEVO is a Rhenus-internal innovation initiative that was built around Alan Kay’s argument, “the best way to predict the future is to invent it.” The incubator program is targeted at all employees with an innovative mindset and aims to develop and digitalise our offered services as well as establish new services and products. More about RHEVO can be found here.

Rhenus develops a warehouse sustainability dashboard

The “greentube project” was an idea to develop a warehouse sustainability dashboard in order to make the warehouses we own and rent greener. The idea came from participating in the Cross Innovation Lab 2021, which sees companies and the creative industry come together to develop new products within a stimulating and inspiring environment for a period of six weeks. The data from all Rhenus warehouses was used to create an overview of the real-time CO2 emissions and resource consumption of all locations. This, in turn, was used to motivate employees and managers to implement solutions to reduce CO2. The tool also allows for calculations on how these solutions will impact the location’s carbon footprint. Read more here.

Rhenus transports sustainably via multimodal transport routes

Rhenus offers sustainable and cost-effective transport of goods thanks to its extensive inland waterway transportation network. Port locations along most major European waterways and a fleet of close to 1,000 ship units with capacities of up to 10,000 tonnes per unit make it possible to ship huge quantities with a low impact on the environment are possible. Learn more about our inland waterway transport.

Rhenus commits to 100 percent carbon-neutral LCL by 2030

Cargo shipped using the Rhenus Consolidation Box out of our Hilden gateway has been carbon-neutral since the start of 2022. This product will progressively be rolled out through all Rhenus gateways worldwide. Read our press release.

Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibili aggiuntivi per Rhenus

No alla povertà
Obiettivo 1

No alla povertà

Nell’ambito dell’obiettivo per porre fine alla povertà ovunque e in tutte le sue forme, le attività globali Rhenus contribuiscono alla crescita e a garantire condizioni di lavoro eque il pagamento di oltre 37.500 dipendenti in molte comunità. Inoltre, i nostri servizi logistici garantiscono la disponibilità delle merci dove servono.
Rhenus supports local communities in Thailand and South Africa

Many Rhenus teams around the world have founded, support or donate to relief organisations, foundations and non-governmental organisations (NGO) for local communities. These are just a few examples:

Rhenus Thailand donates used books to the Baan Nokkamin Foundation on a yearly basis. This NGO assists homeless children by providing a safe place to live, better education and skills for the future.

In South Africa, our colleagues drop off canned food, clothes and toys on Mandela Day, celebrated on 18 July, in order to donate them to an orphanage.

In addition, Rhenus Air & Ocean cooperates with the Santa Shoe Box Initiative in South Africa to give children in need personalised gift boxes containing essential items such as learning supplies, hygiene products and toys. Rhenus employees pledge for and assemble the shoe boxes and arrange their delivery to the required destination. In 2021, 433 Santa Shoe Boxes were donated on behalf of Rhenus.

Fame zero
Obiettivo 2

Fame zero

Rhenus intende porre fine alla fame, raggiungere la sicurezza alimentare, migliorare l’alimentazione e promuovere l’agricoltura sostenibile attraverso investimenti a lungo termine e progetti propositivi. Sosteniamo questo impegno creando lavoro utile e sostanziale e aiutando le famiglie a guadagnare un reddito regolare.
Rhenus provides disaster relief and supports community kitchens

Wings for Aid and Rhenus Air & Ocean combined their efforts in 2019 to provide last-mile deliveries of relief goods in disaster areas. Rhenus handles the logistics regarding goods and taking the delivery systems to their destination. From there, the Wings for Aid system, using a small unmanned airplane and smart technology, allows self-landing boxes of emergency aid to land with great precision in otherwise inaccessible areas. Read more here.

Rhenus India has also created various CSR activities and projects. Among them is a community kitchen that Rhenus and several companies in India founded together in April 2020 to distribute food prepared on-site for free to daily wage earners who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Bhiwandi, a hub for logistics and the textile industry. You can read more about it here.

Istruzione di qualità
Obiettivo 4

Istruzione di qualità

In risposta all’obiettivo di garantire un’istruzione di qualità inclusiva ed equa e promuovere l’apprendimento continuo, Rhenus offre un’ampia gamma di corti di formazione e opportunità di sviluppo delle competenze a tutti i suoi dipendenti. Il sistema di formazione Rhenus è unico nel suo genere.
Rhenus offers a variety of learning opportunities

Rhenus offers employees training that forms the basis for a professional career and ensures a steady income. On a company-wide training and e-learning platform, each employee has the opportunity to choose specific training courses and workshops to expand and deepen their knowledge as well as learn new skills. In addition, mandatory training such as for data protection, occupational safety, information security and health management is easily accessible via the platform.

Rhenus also offers worldwide trainee programs and apprenticeships. In Germany, the training system is unique since it enables job training and practical experience alongside university studies. Trainees also receive annual book vouchers, with Rhenus covering the materials costs.

Rhenus Thailand supports the Foundation for the Blind

Each year, the team of Rhenus Thailand donates used calendars to the Foundation for the Blind in Thailand, which is under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the Queen. These calendars are used to produce teaching materials in Braille for the professional training of visually impaired people.

Rhenus also supports educational programs by donating used computers and laptops.

Uguaglianza di genere
Obiettivo 5

Uguaglianza di genere

Rhenus accoglie la diversità e si impegna a garantire pari opportunità a tutti i generi. In quanto azienda operante in un’industria dominata dal genere maschile, Rhenus si impegna a rendere il settore logistico più attraente per le donne e le ragazze, fornendo corsi di formazione per dipendenti di sesso femminile per metterle in condizioni di assumere posizioni dirigenziali.


In 2021, Rhenus APAC launched a campaign on LinkedIn to promote women in leadership. In the course of this, three articles (articles 11 – 13) were published sharing female Rhenus employees' thoughts on several topics such as gender equality or female leadership in the logistics industry. 


Acqua pulita e igiene
Obiettivo 6

Acqua pulita e igiene

Garantiamo che i nostri dipendenti abbiamo accesso all’acqua pulita e ai servizi igienici in tutti i nostri siti. Inoltre, Rhenus è impegnata nella prevenzione dell’inquinamento e nell’uso efficiente dell’acqua attraverso una gestione sostenibile dell’acqua.
Rhenus certifies sites according to ISO 14001

Rhenus certifies its sites according to the ISO 14001 standard, which includes:

  • Commitment to the careful use of resources (including water)
  • Compliance with all relevant environmental legislation such as water law, immission control and the Drinking Water Ordinance

24 percent of Rhenus units taking part in the matrix certification are currently ISO 14001 certified. Rhenus has created a uniform process for all certified locations on how to implement the requirements of ISO 14001. The determination and evaluation of relevant environmental aspects including water and wastewater are described in this process.

Many Rhenus locations have kitchens where employees can prepare their own meals and which also feature water dispensers.

Rhenus India has been making periodic investments in a small man-made lake that was created in 1984 in the village of Sherda, Rajasthan, a very dry region. Rainwater is harvested and accumulated in the lake for reuse rather than allowing it to run off. After proper treatment, the water is then used for gardens, livestock, irrigation and for household use by villagers.

Energia pulita e accessibile
Obiettivo 7

Energia pulita e accessibile

Rhenus contribuisce alla produzione di energia pulita al fine di garantire l’accesso all’energia conveniente, affidabile, sostenibile e moderna. Oltre al nostro impegno professionale attraverso il trasporto e la manutenzione di parchi eolici offshore, utilizziamo pannelli solari sui nostri edifici.

Rhenus builds sustainable logistics sites

When building, commissioning or renting new locations, Rhenus is committed to using sustainable means and integrating solar panels as sources for clean energy. This was done for example in the harbour of Basel, on warehouse roofs such as in Weil am Rhein, Tilburg or Eindhoven. Our goal is to equip more and more warehouses and sites in the near future. For all existing buildings, a review is currently being conducted to analyse what measures could be installed.

LED technology and motion detectors are used in buildings or outside to save on electricity costs and employ smart lighting. Another measure is the use of electric handling equipment such as e-forklifts and vehicles.

Rhenus supports the wind industry

Within the business unit Offshore Logistics, Rhenus supports the wind industry by providing logistics support during the installation and maintenance of offshore wind farms. The heavy and out-of-gauge segments and parts are transported and shipped by Rhenus with sustainability always in mind. 

Riduzione delle diseguaglianze
Obiettivo 10

Riduzione delle diseguaglianze

Rhenus si impegna a ridurre le diseguaglianze all’interno dei e fra i paesi. Siamo convinti che siamo tutti uguali e quindi garantiamo pari opportunità a tutti i dipendenti. In Germania siamo un team rappresentato da 114 diverse nazionalità. In quanto parte integrante del commercio globalizzato, colleghiamo i paesi con i nostri trasporti.
Rhenus employees support sticker campaign

Rhenus South Africa has supported various campaigns and projects, amongst them the Tekkie Tax, where employees purchase stickers whose proceeds of which go to causes supporting the elderly, children, people with disabilities, education and animals. Another such sticker campaign was Casual Day.

Città e comunità sostenibili
Obiettivo 11

Città e comunità sostenibili

Rhenus si impegna a rendere le città e gli insediamenti umani inclusivi, sicuri, resilienti e sostenibili, per esempio attraverso progetti che creino una consegna sostenibile nell’ultimo miglio. Inoltre, investiamo attivamente nelle soluzioni logistiche sostenibili.
Rhenus Home Delivery projects innovate the last mile

Within our Rhenus Home Delivery offering, we have been testing various means for sustainable last-mile delivery, for example in urban areas, where traffic congestion prevents larger trucks from driving through the streets. Examples include smaller delivery vehicles such as the Lieferrucksack project or even e-cargo bikes like Deliver it.

But also with larger truck transports, Rhenus continues to invest in an e-vehicle fleet, for both the home delivery and the 40-tonne truck segment. Find our current news regarding e-trucks here.

Consumo e produzione responsabili
Obiettivo 12

Consumo e produzione responsabili

Al fine di garantire modelli di consumo e produzione sostenibili, Rhenus offre servizi logistici efficiente ed ecologici. Siamo costantemente alla ricerca di soluzioni logistiche più responsabili e sostenibili in collaborazione con i nostri clienti.
Rhenus monitors its own energy consumption and emissions

More and more of our business locations are certified according to the ISO 50001 standard. This enables us to:

  • Record and evaluate energy data through a monitoring system for continuous improvement of our energy management system
  • Develop indicators and targets related to our energy consumption
  • Continuously reduce our energy consumption and carbon emissions (e.g. through the use of LED lights to reduce the use of electricity and emissions)
Rhenus reduces waste and innovates packaging

Within the Rhenus warehousing solutions, we develop strategies for sustainable packaging with our customers in order to reduce waste and the use of filling materials as well as to provide them with packaging on demand. Rhenus continuously leads discussions with different packaging suppliers to offer the most suitable and sustainable solutions for each of our customers.

La vita sott’acqua
Obiettivo 14

La vita sott’acqua

La conservazione e l’utilizzo sostenibile degli oceani, i mari e le risorse marine per lo sviluppo sostenibile sono la chiave della nostra strategia. Miriamo a migliorare la vita sott’acqua attraverso investimenti nella ricerca di sistemi di propulsione alternativi per il trasporto marittimo e la navigazione interna.
Rhenus employees clean up the Rhine

Several Rhenus units participate in the annual RhineCleanUp event, which is organised in order to pick up garbage and pollutants that wash up on the shores of the river Rhine.

Rhenus prevents water pollution through accidental leakage

When loading and unloading dangerous goods at any port locations, Rhenus uses dangerous goods troughs in order to avoid accidental leakage of chemicals or dangerous substances into the water.

Rhenus develops sustainable ships

Rhenus is actively involved in the development of more sustainable cargo ships. In January 2022, the first of a new fleet of maritime short-sea ships called the Hanse Eco fleet was launched, which features a more economical and environmentally friendly propulsion system. Other projects include the development of hybrid inland vessels using hydrogen as a fuel. Autonomous vessels that operate without a conductor and can save fuel through optimised steering are also being tested.

La vita sulla terra
Obiettivo 15

La vita sulla terra

Uno dei nostri obiettivi è quello di proteggere, ripristinare e promuovere l’uso sostenibile degli ecosistemi terrestri attraverso la gestione sostenibile delle foreste, la lotta contro la desertificazione nonché l’arresto e l’inversione del degrado del suolo e della perdita di biodiversità. Lo facciamo investendo nella biodiversità degli ecosistemi nelle nostre sedi.
Rhenus builds sustainable sites with replacement habitats

Our warehouse sites are becoming increasingly greener. Our developments leave the surrounding landscape largely untouched and we also invest in green roofs, insect hotels and replacement habitats for specific species. An example is our warehouse in Giessen, Germany.

Rhenus manages its own corporate forest

The Rhenus Group cooperates with Treedom to plant trees in agroforestry projects that promote the sustainable use of resources and land. During Christmas 2020 and 2021, we even gave away trees as presents to our customers. You can visit the Rhenus Forest here.

Rhenus India supports NGO in Navi Mumbai

Rhenus India has been participating in a tree plantation activity for the past seven years. With the help of an NGO that helps in the field of protecting and upgrading of environmental conditions, a tree plantation site near Navi Mumbai was identified, which is a planned Mumbai township on the coast in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The local team and their families participate in the event every year.

Pace, giustizia e istituzioni forti
Obiettivo 16

Pace, giustizia e istituzioni forti

Rhenus promuovere società pacifiche e inclusive. La nostra integrità e conformità con i quadri giuridici formano la base di tutte le nostre attività commerciali business e costituiscono parte integrante della nostra identità aziendale in qualsiasi momento. Questo è il modo in cui intendiamo costruire istituzioni efficaci, responsabili e inclusive.
Partnership per gli obiettivi
Obiettivo 17

Partnership per gli obiettivi

Rhenus intende rafforzare le modalità di attuazione e rilanciare il partenariato globale per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Aderendo agli OSS sottolineiamo l’importanza di questi obiettivi e dei loro contenuti. Ci consideriamo parte integrante di questa comunità e intendiamo fare la nostra parte per raggiungere gli OSS.

Creiamo partnership con i nostri clienti e fornitori al fine di rendere la nostra cooperazione più sostenibile. Rhenus lavora intensamente per superare i requisiti richiesti dai governi.