Rhenus Fecomp’s portfolio includes enhancing and remarketing IT assets for the B2B and B2C markets. The company has further expertise in remarketing second-hand office furniture and processing old electrical items for recycling. This range of services is completed by the professional dismantling of communications and information technology Equipment.
"Harald Feld and his company Fecomp have already successfully cooperated with us as a service provider and sales partner in the past. Fecomp has a huge amount of experience in remarketing IT equipment. This will enable us in future to not only highlight an enhanced value-added chain for our customers, but also offer significantly more efficient recycling processes that make both economic sense and save resources," says Michael Wiegmann, Managing Director of Rhenus Data Office, providing the reasons for the cooperation Arrangement.
"We decided to set up a joint company, as the Rhenus Group with its extensive network of business sites and its expertise in document logistics and data protection wholeheartedly reassured us," said Harald Feld.
The headquarters of the new company is located in Thuine in the German state of Lower Saxony. The operational site for remarketing will be based there in future too.