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WELT study: Rhenus Group impresses with corporate responsibility

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Rhenus News

Corporate responsibility has always been firmly anchored in the corporate culture of the Rhenus Group. The results of an online survey of more than 180,000 managers on the corporate responsibility of German companies show that this is also known within the logistics sector. The survey was commissioned by WELT, one of Germany's leading news broadcasters, and the analysis and consulting company ServiceValue from Cologne.

Rhenus came fifth in the category of transport and logistics companies, with the participants confirming that Rhenus has a very high level of corporate responsibility.

Managers from a total of 2,098 companies and 155 sectors were surveyed. Among other things, they assessed the extent to which the efforts of the company's management towards corporate responsibility are sincere and effective. They were also asked how corporate responsibility is demonstrated in dealings with employees, business partners and customers as well as towards society and the environment and, more generally, in compliance with ethical standards.

In the Rhenus Group, fixed corporate principles guide the actions of the employees and thus shape the corporate culture. You can find more information here.