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Rhenus deploys autonomous guided forklifts in France

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Press Release

Twenty-one autonomous collaborative forklifts have just been deployed at Rhenus in Saint-Quentin Fallavier, near Lyon, in order to improve order preparation operations. Supplied by Effidence, they are dedicated to the logistics activities of Bjorg et Compagnie, a long-standing customer of Rhenus on this site.

As part of regular discussions for continuous upgrading, Rhenus and its customer, Bjorg et Compagnie, decided to improve logistics operations by introducing autonomous collaborative forklifts for picking.

Rhenus chose Effidence for its robotised solution that allows picking operators to reduce their daily walking distance inside the warehouse, to increase their effective working time and to reduce physical risks.

“The support of autonomous forklifts to our picking operators will help us to optimise their work by focusing on more advanced tasks and offer our customer more flexibility to absorb activity peaks and major fluctuations in volume. In addition, their working conditions will be facilitated and improved”, explains Mercedes Ortiz Garcia, Business Development Manager at Rhenus Logistics France.

The logistics activity of Bjorg et Compagnie is growing strongly and steadily but is subject to seasonal fluctuations. The ability of the logistics provider to cope with these activity peaks while optimising the management of its human resources is fundamental. This is why automatisation and robotisation were the subject of an in-depth study, which was initiated together by the two partners.

“Based on continuous improvement and co-construction of solutions, our relationship with Rhenus is strengthened when we choose investments together. This allows us to optimise resource efficiency and to share savings. We look forward to measuring the impact of this new organisation on our responsiveness to customer demand. The spring sales operations, which will start soon, will be a significant test”, says Jean-Ferréol Ruph, Supply Chain Director of Ecotone France, parent company of Bjorg et Compagnie.

The Rhenus Group is one of the leading logistics specialists with global business operations and annual turnover amounting to EUR 5.4 billion. 33,500 employees work at 820 business sites and develop innovative solutions along the complete supply chain. Whether providing transport, warehousing, customs clearance or value-added services, the family business pools its operations in various business units where the needs of customers are the major focus at all times.

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