Our cybersecurity strategy at Rhenus in the Netherlands

Our cybersecurity strategy at Rhenus in the Netherlands

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In recent years, cybersecurity threats and data breaches have been on the rise, affecting organizations of all types and sizes. The latest Hiscox Cyber Readiness Report 2023 reveals that cyber-attacks have been rising consistently for four years, particularly targeting smaller businesses, with a spike of up to 36%. Unfortunately, the logistics industry is not immune to cybersecurity risks. One in every five businesses in logistics and transport faces a cyber incident each year and therefore, cybersecurity is taken seriously within Rhenus.

What is cybersecurity and why is it important to us?

Cybersecurity is about ensuring the safety and privacy of information. It includes protecting computer systems, networks, programs, and data from digital attacks and disruptions. This means preventing cybercrime and responding to incidents to keep personal, industrial, and governmental information secure and accessible. Maintaining robust cybersecurity is essential for Rhenus to preserve customer trust, protect our brand image, and defend against cybercrime, such as theft and damage. It also prevents third-party intrusions, financial losses, and operational disruptions. This is especially crucial in medical device logistics, where precise delivery is critical for saving lives, making operational disruptions unacceptable.

Managing cyber threats in logistics

Many potential cyber threats are possible to happen in the logistics industry. This includes phishing, social engineering, external attacks, and data breaches. The consequences of these threats can be severe, leading to operational disruptions, financial losses, and reputational damage. To address these risks, our Rhenus global IT team centrally manages a strategic cybersecurity plan, focusing on continuous risk assessments and network security. Despite the high costs and time requirements, Rhenus is implementing zero-trust security using renowned and seamless solutions. In a crisis, our Business Continuity Management (BCM) team coordinates the response, ensuring that specific procedures are followed to mitigate the impact. 

Navigating to new regulations: ISO 27001 and EU-NIS2

Every endpoint within the Rhenus network is secured and each asset undergoes bi-weekly scans to identify vulnerabilities. Our data center holds ISO27001 certification, and we adhere to stringent IT policies set up by the global IT team. As a logistics company, we must comply with the EU-NIS2 cybersecurity legislation. In the Netherlands, our well-trained IT team works around the clock to maintain and enhance our security future. Aside from working on another ISO27001 certification this year, they are also actively creating cybersecurity awareness within Rhenus, ensuring our practices align with the industry's best standards.  

Journey towards a zero-trust network

Creating new technology often outpaces our ability to adopt it securely. In cybersecurity, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools presents both opportunities and risks. Our healthcare customers, for example, prioritize data security and patient privacy, making robust protections essential. Securing a multi-hybrid environment is crucial. At Rhenus, our goal is to adopt a zero-trust network, limiting access even within our systems to prevent breaches. This approach, combined with top global IT solutions, will enhance our ability to detect and respond to threats effectively.

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