How does it work?
The fuel surcharge is based on the reference price of Eco-diesel, which is set at 3.315 PLN (the wholesale price of Diesel Oil Ecodiesel from PKN Orlen).
For every 5% change in fuel price compared to the reference price, the transport rate adjusts by 1.5%.
If the average Eco-diesel price in a given month is 3.647 PLN (10% higher than the reference price), the fuel surcharge adjustment will be +3%.
When do we update the index?
The fuel surcharge value for the upcoming month is indexed based on the average fuel price from the previous month, calculated using data published by PKN Orlen. The new index is published on the last day of each month.
The current value of the fuel surcharge is 13.5 % (March 2025).
Month | Index |
January | 15 % |
February | 15 % |
March | 18 % |
April | 16.50 % |
May | 16.50 % |
June | 15 % |
July | 15 % |
August | 15 % |
September | 13.50 % |
October | 10.50 % |
November | 12 % |
December | 13.05 % |
January | 13.50 % |
February | 15.00 % |
The fuel surcharge is based on independent market data, ensuring full transparency of the process.
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Department.