How design and innovation make Rhenus Warehousing in the Netherlands more attractive to staff and customers

How design and innovation make Rhenus Warehousing in the Netherlands more attractive to staff and customers


The Tube is an impressive distribution center in the Netherlands that offers an attractive, inspiring, and sustainable work environment, benefiting both our employees and customers. Its advanced features include solar thermal collectors for energy and IoT sensors for efficient operations. Learn more on our blog below.

In the Netherlands, one of our Rhenus Warehousing locations is strategically situated by the A58 highway in Tilburg. We call it “the tube”, a distribution center that stands as a landmark building on the A58 highway. The distribution center speaks to the imagination, but more importantly, it offers an attractive, inspiring, and sustainable work environment. Its location is favorable for Rhenus and its employees, and similarly, customers can also reap the benefits of this advanced facility.

Modern, attractive building for greater job satisfaction

The success of the tube can be attributed to a combination of key factors. Although its design is impressive, it alone does not guarantee a better logistics performance. However, working in such an attractive warehousing and distribution center does enhance job satisfaction, which has become increasingly crucial. As the younger generations hold different perspectives, the job market becomes more competitive. Providing an appealing work environment becomes essential. As a logistics service provider, Rhenus heavily relies on having a competent workforce, and thus, we invest significant time, money, and effort in creating favorable working conditions and benefits.

A building full of IoT sensors

The tube is spacious, well-lit, sustainable, and innovative. Its sustainability is achieved by not relying on natural gas, a decision that has proven to be fruitful. The building’s energy needs are met by solar thermal collectors on the roof. To monitor energy usage, the Internet of Things (IoT) plays a crucial role. The warehouse manager can easily track which lights are used the most in both the distribution center and offices. This data also helps identify high-traffic areas, like toilets and workplaces, so we can prioritize cleaning and maintenance accordingly. Additionally, smart dock doors help us understand which loading bays are used most frequently, allowing us to plan maintenance effectively. With the integration of smart technology, the building operates efficiently and sustainably.

Match with environment

When choosing the location for the tube at the A58 highway, we understood the significance of a remarkable building. We aimed to make a strong impression. A simple concrete box would not do that. Building a regular warehouse would have made it harder to connect with the local residents. However, with our unique design, our neighbors were curious right from the start. This helped us blend our logistics smoothly with the existing residential community.

Light and ergonomic

Our staff enjoys a pleasant working experience at the tube. The bright environment plays an important part, and the fact that the workplace can handle all kinds of ergonomic challenges is also an asset. Every staff can count on a good workplace.

Added value for Rhenus Warehousing customers

For Rhenus Warehousing customers, the building offers innovative features that benefit them. While they might not notice the advanced technology in the toilets, they will surely appreciate the modern Autostore system in the warehouse. This system processes orders faster than most others on the market. Moreover, our warehouse provides spacious mezzanine areas, perfect for storing products like heart valves or adding value through various activities. These mezzanine spaces have temperature-controlled storage, which is crucial for sensitive medical devices. The warehouse reflects all the experience we have gained so far. However, reaching this point doesn't mean we have reached the peak of our logistical abilities. We believe in continuous improvement and innovation to make things better every day.

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