Rhenus In The UK

Rhenus has been present in the United Kingdom since the 1940s, and over the years has diversified to specialise in road, air and ocean transport, warehousing, high-tech and home delivery services.


Facts about Rhenus in the UK

Facts about the UK

Rhenus Slash

Ports in the UK

Located in North Europe, the UK has direct connections to both Europe's and the World's biggest ports. The five main ports in the UK are: Felixstowe, Immingham, London, Southampton, and Liverpool.

Rhenus Slash

Road transport in the UK

79 percent of UK domestic freight is moved via road. This freight is moved using the UK's 31,800 miles of major roads. This encompasses all terrain, from flat motorways to the Scottish Highlands.

Rhenus Slash

Main industries in the UK

The major industrial sectors within the UK include construction, agriculture and manufacturing.

Rhenus Slash

Airports in the UK

Four of the top five busiest airports in the UK are located within London, with Manchester being the only exception. Despite this, regional airports around the country are used for air freight.

Rhenus locations in the United Kingdom

Our Core Services

Rhenus in the UK offers solutions across the whole supply chain, within extensive focus on the following:

What's important to us?

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